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How to start to get fabulous sales like all successful real estate agents?

How are those agents selling?




Wait a minute. It doesn’t seem right.


You may think the opposite – selling the real estate is selling the house or apartment - that is EXACTLY what successful agents are selling.


So if they don't sell real estate, what it is?





Think about it for a second – why do people buy real estate?

Do they buy it because they want to spend just money?

No, of course not!


They buy real estate because they want something – they have a goal in mind, a problem to be solved, and they want a specific result.


They don’t want an “apartment with a large terrace”…

…they want to play golf

They don’t want a “big villa with pool”…

…they want to enjoy their Porche.

They don’t want a “townhouse with the sea views”…

…they want to invest 



But I said successful agents are selling a Goal + Result.

So what is “a result?”


A result is what happens when you achieve the goal.


For example, a businessman wants to buy a villa, but for the result – to enjoy a different lifestyle (to play golf or enjoy his cabrio in the middle of the winter or rent it out as an investment or sunbathe on the terrace at Christmas to feel more energized, free and happy).


It can be anything, but each of us has a specific result attached to our goals.

Successful agents know this – which is why they don’t waste energy and effort talking endlessly about the market or numbers but instead focus on what is important: The goal + the Result.



Stop selling real estate in Costa del Sol and start selling how real estate in Costa del Sol can change people's lives!




  • Successful agents don’t sell real estate, instead, they sell a specific goal, tied to a specific result

  • Put another way, they recognize that buying real estate is a luxury, so they have to connect to what their clients WANT (not what they think they need)

  • People don’t like unclear processes. They want to know you have a plan or approach that will get them to their Goal + Result.

  • So you need to build up your systems.


The next question will be “How do you do that? ”


How do you get your clients from where they are now (looking for a change in their lives, looking for an investment, looking for sunshine and warm weather) to where they want to be?



"If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you are doing."

- W. Edwards Demming



The most practical and results-oriented approach will be to build a system or process to help your clients get there.


A roadmap that shows clients how your work will help them achieve their goals.


So instead of saying “I help you to find an apartment in Costa del Sol…”

You might say:

“I help you to find an apartment in Costa del Sol so you can play golf in wintertime and let me tell you, how I work.

Let's take you through my work process, step-by-step.

First, we start by taking a look at all your needs – so we are 100% clear on what do you looking for. Then we find …”



So, instead of selling real estate  - 

- you are selling your clients their Goal + Result and

- showing them a clear roadmap of how you will work together.

You aren’t just telling that you can do something, you are showing how to do it.


Here’s what’s important: It doesn’t matter what the roadmap looks like, it just matters that you can communicate it to your clients.

What matters is that you set up the systems to attract the RIGHT clients to you.


Who are the right clients?

Clients who need your help.

Clients who WANT your help.

Clients who have a budget.




  • Once again - people don’t buy real estate, they buy Goal + Result. But what gets them to trust you (and what makes your life easier) is when you tell them HOW you get that result.

  • The way you do it is by building an effective system. A roadmap or plan that shows prospective clients how you will help them achieve their goals. 


      But how?



​Start building your amazing agent career in Costa del Sol and join our training program that walks you through all phases of achieving a successful career in selling real estate.

Our training program comes with:


- step by step training 

Learn our selling and communication systems so you never feel lost or confused, and always know exactly what to do next.

- lots of support

Never feel alone, you’ll be supported and guided by a coach

- tons of confidence 

You’ll feel credible, confident, and excited about your growing career 


You will be learning:



- how to sell more using 5 primal human emotions

People largely buy based on emotions and as a sales agent, if you don’t know how to evoke powerful emotions in the selling process, you’ll struggle to get even mediocre results.

- how to connect with your buyers and sell by telling(selling) stories

Story selling (storytelling) is a type of sales strategy where you seek to tell stories that highlight the benefits of a product or service, rather than discussing its prices

- how to sell actively listening

One of the reasons that prospective clients are so wary of salespeople is that they anticipate a pushy demeanor and pressure to purchase a client. Practicing strong active listening has proven to deepen relationships, improve workplace performance and productivity, and build confidence.

- how smooth communication can increase your sales

The root of sales success is the ability to gather and provide information in a way that makes your prospect want to do business with you. Your pricing, even your product’s features — none of that matters unless you’re able to get your prospects to talk to you and also listen to what you have to say.

That means you have to be incredibly attuned to your buyer and understand what they mean when they tell you — or don't tell you — something. 

- how to build an effective roadmap to guide your clients

A roadmap or plan that shows prospective clients how you will help them achieve their goals. Roadmaps are the most specific, including schedule details and milestones for the actions that you want to take to achieve goals.





Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together. Call me at +34 711 757 000 or send an email to  or fill out the form below!

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